ILVO disseminates its research results as widely as possible within the agri-food sector and throughout society. Here you can find press releases, project news, videos, podcasts and publications distributed by ILVO as well as articles and reports published in the media.
Policy monitoring frameworks allow decision makers to assess the performance and progress towards specific strategic objectives that reflect an overall vision. The bioeconomy consists of
Circular economy is high on the policy agenda, both in Flanders, Belgium and in Europe. In 2015, the European Commission launched its Circular Economy Plan for the first time. This plan included 54 le...
Crop technical info is scattered among different actors. With this initiative, the 10 project partners aim to unlock all available info of 200 bioeconomy crops in one user-friendly tool.
Voor het eerst zijn de talrijke stromen aan hernieuwbare grondstoffen en verwerkingen in de Vlaamse economie in kaart gebracht en is hun economische waarde voor Vlaanderen begroot.
Heb je een passie voor voederproeven en pluimvee en heb je interesse in bio-based toepassingen in de landbouw? Wil je graag meewerken binnen een Europees multi-partner onderzoeksproject met grote maat...